
How much our elected officials earn

The amount that elected officials are compensated is set by law, specifically the code général des collectivités territoriales and the organic law of February 21, 2007 (Saint-Martin).

Locally, it is up to the new territorial council to define the total monthly compensation of the president, the vice president, the members of the executive council, and the territorial counselors, within three months after the council’s establishment. It cannot do so freely. It must refer "to the total sums corresponding to the final gross index of the salary scale for the state civil service" (index 1022).

This total is set by decree, and is €3,870.66 as of February 1, 2017.

The compensation for a simple territorial counselor is calculated starting from this sum, to which a supplement for the positions of the vice-presidents and the members of the executive council is applied.

♦ Compensation for a territorial counselor

According to the organic law, the monthly compensation of a territorial counselor corresponds to 50% of the total of the gross index 1022, or €1,935.33.

♦ Compensation for a member of the executive council

According to the organic law, the monthly compensation of a member of the executive council is that of a territorial counselor plus 10%, or €2,128.63.

♦ Compensation for a vice-president

According to the organic law, the monthly compensation of a vice-president is that of a territorial counselor plus 40%, or €2,709.46.

♦ Compensation for the president

According to the organic law, the president’s monthly compensation is the total of index 1022 plus 45%, or €5,612.45.


During the 2012-2017 term, the compensations were, respectively, €1,900.74, €2,090.81, €2,661.04 and €5,512.14.

The organic law stipulates that the territorial council can reduce the total compensation allocated to its members based on their participation in plenary sessions, meetings of the commissions of which they are members, and meetings of the organizations in which they represent the Collectivité, without this reduction exceeding, for each individual, half of the maximum compensation that may be allocated to them in application of the law.



Estelle Gasnet