
French election: a record absenteeism, but more voters than 15 years ago in Saint-Martin

Emmanuel Macron came out ahead of the second round of the presidential election in Saint-Martin with 67.6% of the votes, Marine Le Pen having obtained 32.4%. In 2012, François Hollande won locally against Nicolas Sarkozy: 51.50% against 48.50% of the vote. In Saint-Barthelemy, Emmanuel Macron obtained 58.43% of the vote and Marine Le Pen 41.57% - a record absenteeism, but more voters than ten years ago.

At the national level, absenteeism was estimated at 25.3% in the second round on Sunday evening (CET), a record high since 1969. In Saint-Martin, the figures are to be taken backwards: only 30.93% of the people registered on electoral lists came yesterday to vote, or 6,233. Of whom 924 new voters compared to the first round. Saint-Martin recorded a record absenteeism at the level of the whole France, including overseas. In the first round, the participation rate was around 26%.

If we compare the number of voters, it is almost the same as in 2012: 6,233 this year against 6,780 five years ago.

On the other hand, it is much more important than in 2002. Fifteen years ago, only 4,379 people had voted in the second round of the presidential election that had opposed Jean-Marie Le Pen and Jacques Chirac. The absenteeism rate was 67.14%.



Estelle Gasnet